Sunday, 5 April 2015

Muddy Puddles


  1. Ai carumba! Hang in there, the rain/hail/storms will pass. Thanks for your blog. We are about to go to tender with Rawson in Canberra. So far, so good, but your tips and experience are gold for us.

    1. Thank you and good luck. The tender, contract and selections period is important. Pay attention to drafting mistakes and attention to detail. During the build keep a record of all issues and mistakes and keep good communication with your site supervisor. Find out how many jobs they have on at the same time also. With the rain we've had in Sydney (April 2015) the standard single brick external wall in the garage does seep under heavy saturation. If budget allows ask for recommendations on how to resolve if you this is a concern for you. Double brick or Brick Veneer with weather wrap in the garage are the better options i've seen (in hindsight) and believe some of the other builds do this as standard. We are having to look at a paint on sealer.
